NABS All Ears - Our Principles
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Our Principles for the All Ears consultation:

  1. We’ll keep it equitable. We will ensure people’s time and knowledge leads to a valuable output.
  2. We’re committed to action. This consultation will directly shape our priorities, and services we deliver.
  3. We’ll listen to a range of voices. We’ll put in the work to reach into every part of the community.
  4. We’ll aim to join the dots. We will build on the progress of other bodies and initiatives, eg All In.
  5. We’ll go deep. We want to create conversations that illuminate issues, and opportunities to advance.
  6.  We’ll think systemically. We’ll explore ways both to help individuals, and to change their work context.
  7. We’ll embrace challenge. We don’t think we have all the answers. We want people to help shape them.
  8. We’ll advance what we learn. Where we find challenging themes, we will initiate industry dialogue.
  9. Creating a safe space. We’ll protect people’s identities, but signpost if relevant to our support services.
  10. This is the start. We will follow this consultation with further opportunities to connect and advance.
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