About NABS the support organisation for the advertising and media industry.
Advice Line: 0800 707 6607

About NABS

NABS is the support organisation for people working in advertising and media. We’re here to advance the mental wellness of everyone in our industry. We’re passionate about helping people to thrive, and we do that by providing a range of support services. Because we’re a charity, these services are free to use.

We help people in many ways, for example with our confidential Advice Line and SupportBot that help with issues affecting mental wellness. Meanwhile, we give people across the industry opportunities to connect and learn with each other in our workshops, which focus on subjects including confidence, anxiety and building inclusive teams. The NABS Podcast and NABS Talks bring industry influencers and experts together to a wide audience, giving inspiration and support along with access to adland’s changemakers.

NABS has been helping people working in advertising, marketing and media for more than 100 years.

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NABS was founded in 1913 and is a registered charity (registered charity number 1070556).

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