Statement regarding declined submissions to the NABS Art Auction - NABS
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Statement regarding declined submissions to the NABS Art Auction

At NABS, we’re dedicated to advancing the mental wellness of everyone working in the advertising, media, and marketing industry. We believe in the power of community, and with the generosity of so many, we’re able to provide crucial services, from our confidential Advice Line to our workshops and grants. These are made possible through the donations we receive and the events we run, such as the NABS Art Auction, which we relaunched this year with incredible enthusiasm. 

Over 300 pieces of art were donated by our industry friends and beyond—an outpouring of creativity we’re excited to celebrate through an online auction and live events in London, Manchester, and Edinburgh. 

With being a registered charity, we are required to remain politically neutral to preserve the trust and support of all the people we serve. Some pieces of art submitted for the auction included political themes that we felt could compromise that neutrality. After careful consideration, and in line with the advice of our governing body, The Charity Commission, we made the decision not to include these artworks in the auction.  

We’ve had open and respectful conversations with the artists involved, explaining the situation and the reasons behind our decision and thanking them on behalf of NABS and our trustees for their generous submissions. For any outstanding artworks that we receive, we will be applying the same criteria and communication to artists. While we deeply respect artistic freedom and expression, we also have a responsibility to uphold our values of inclusivity and impartiality. We remain committed to creating an environment where everyone in our community feels welcome and represented. 

We understand that this decision may raise questions, and we’re here to answer any you might have. Please feel free to reach out to our communications team at 

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