Other Service Providers
Below is a directory of organisations that support working parents; from legal advice and family-friendly policy advisors, to charities supporting single parents and research organisations. If your organisation are working hard to support mums and dads, please email us so that we can add you to our directory.
ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service)
Information on maternity rights and benefits.
0300 123 1100
Child Benefit Helpline
Information on Child Benefit.
Helpline: 0300 200 3100
Department for Business Innovation and Skills
Information from the government about maternity and paternity leave and pay.
Equality and Human Rights Commission
Information on rights linked to pregnancy and maternity leave.
Health and Safety Executive
Information about health and safety at work including advice for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
Tax Credit Helpline
Child and Working Tax Credit information.
Helpline: 0345 300 3900
Family Lives
Helpline that provides information, advice, guidance and support on any aspect of parenting and family life, including bullying. The helpline service is open 9am – 9pm, Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm Saturday and Sunday.
Helpline: 0808 800 2222
Family and Childcare Trust
Family and Childcare Trust aims to make the UK a better place for families, through research, campaigning and information provision, and working with government, employers and parents to reduce pressures on family life.
National Childbirth Trust
Offer information and support in pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. They introduce parents to other local parents to gain practical and emotional support.
Maternity Action
The charity provides advice and information; helps to change attitudes and policy; provides training and consultancy; and undertakes research.
Helpline: 0845 600 8533
Tommy’s research into pregnancy problems and provide information to parents.
Tel: 0207 398 3400
Dad info
Articles with advice for fathers on a number of issues including relationships, education and separation.
Fatherhood Institute
A leading provider of information for and about fathers in the UK.
Helpline: 0845 634 1328
Fathers need fathers
The organisation helps parents whose children’s relationship with them is under threat. They provide information, advice and support services for parents on how to do the best for their children.
Mumsnet is one of the UK’s largest websites for parents. It hosts discussion forums where users share peer-to-peer advice and information on parenting, products and many other issues.
Netmums is the UK’s biggest parenting website offering local info, expert parenting advice, chat, competitions, recipes and friendly support.
The charity provides advice and practical support for single parents.
Helpline: 0808 802 0925
Only Dads and Only Mums
Advice and support for single dads and mums
Contact a Family
Contact a Family is a national charity that exists to support the families of disabled children whatever their condition or disability.
The organisation works with adults and children with learning disabilities.
Scope is a leading UK charity supporting both adults and children with disabilities.
Citymothers and cityfathers
Citymothers & Cityfathers are networks for parents in City professions managing careers and children.
Family Friendly Working
Support network for those that want to balance work better with family life
A female-led organisation that help businesses connect with diverse talent returning to work.
Lisa Unwin – Reignite your career
A masterclass for women who want to get back into work but are not sure where to start.
My Family Care
My Family Care helps employers with their work+family strategies and helps to implement employee solutions.
The Parent Practice
Providers of positive parenting courses, designed to improve parenting skills, encourage good habits and improve discipline with children at home and school.
020 8673 3444
She’s back
A book by Lisa Unwin and Deb Khan, packed with guidance for women returning to work
Working families
Campaigns for and provides information on new, flexible ways of working that help achieve a balance between work and family.
Helpline: 0300 012 0312
Working mothers (US site)
The site is a magazine style site with tit bits on managing work and home. It also has a research institute to look at trends for working mothers.
Working mums.co.uk
Provides advice and support to parents and also advertises jobs.
Business in the Community
Members of BITC work together to tackle a wide range of issues that are essential to building a fairer society and a more sustainable future. They run the Work Well Campaign, which is committed to improving levels of understanding of the role of workplace wellness.
Timewise is interested in how flexible working can help businesses to attract and nurture great talent.
Institute of Employment Studies
The organisation provides insights on employment and human resource management topics to help improve policy and practice.
World at Work
Research centre based in the US.