The Inclusive Leader
- Location: Online
- Type: Workshop
- Date: 08/04/2025
- Time: 9:30am-11:30am
The Inclusive Leader – Developed to support the industry to attract and retain its talent.
The Inclusive Leader uses an evidence-base of science and proven techniques to help all managers make small behaviour changes for big impact on inclusion; empowering a shift from empathy to activism across your organisation. It draws upon NABS’ unique insight, expertise and industry research with MEFA, Outvertising and Brixton Finishing School (the ADcademy), bringing content to life from a range of lived experiences across the industry.
When registering for our workshops and events, we collect attendee details to ensure you are eligible for NABS’ services. All data collected is used in accordance with our privacy policy.
Upcoming Events
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Leading Influential Conversations
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Rapport & Influence
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Brand You
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