Explore: Navigating challenging conversations
- Location: Online
- Type: Workshop
- Date: 30/04/2025
- Time: 2pm-3:30pm
As a manager or leader you’ll undoubtedly experience great fulfilment in your role as you see your team grow and thrive. However, we know there are also going to be times when you will need to navigate challenging situations with your colleagues.
One of these is when you need to have a difficult workplace conversation, perhaps about poor performance, mental health or even why someone isn’t getting a promotion. These conversations are always uncomfortable and none of us like having them. Then, throw in remote and hybrid working and it can feel even more challenging. NABS’ Explore session is here to help.
In this coach led discussion you will:
- Understand why we would choose to avoid having a difficult conversation if we could
- Learn models, language and approaches to have effective professional and personal conversations in the workplace, face-to-face or remotely
- Gain tools to help you to have different perspectives of scenarios and to give constructive feedback
- Get comfortable with knowing you don’t always need to have all the answers
- Boost your confidence by practising having a difficult conversation in a safe, learning environment
This is an interactive coach-led discussion, we encourage you to have your cameras on and arrive ready to fully participate in order to enhance both your learning and that of all attendees.
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