Upcoming Events
1st Apr
Confidence & Gravitas
Online | WorkshopWherever you are in your career and whatever your role, our blended learning workshops can help you thrive.
2nd Apr
Unleash Your Career
Online | WorkshopPerhaps you’re clear about your career path and know exactly how you’re going to get there? Or maybe you have no plan, or you’re feeling confused about next steps? Learn how to develop growth mindset approaches to career planning in this interactive workshop.
8th Apr
The Inclusive Leader
Online | WorkshopThe Inclusive Leader uses an evidence-base of science and proven techniques to help all managers make small behaviour changes for big impact on inclusion; empowering a shift from empathy to activism across your organisation.
9th Apr
Rapport & Influence
Online | WorkshopMaking a positive impression quickly plays an important part in how you develop and build rapport. During this workshop you will learn how to recognise different peoples behavioural and communications styles and how to engage with them positively and authentically.
9th Apr
Explore: Effective Feedback Skills
Online | WorkshopJoin us for a coach-led session focused on giving and receiving feedback effectively for managers. This is beneficial for fostering a culture of growth and development within your team.
15th Apr
Brand You
Online | WorkshopWherever you are in your career and whatever your role, our blended learning workshops can help you thrive.
16th Apr
Debrief, Destress, Decompress
Online | WorkshopAn interactive session in which you will learn the science and benefits of self-reflection and debriefs.
22nd Apr
Resilience to Pressure
Online | WorkshopThis session will equip you with the long-term tools you need to approach pressured or stressful situations in a more positive and productive way.
23rd Apr
Confidence & Gravitas
Online | WorkshopWherever you are in your career and whatever your role, our blended learning workshops can help you thrive.
30th Apr
Explore: Navigating challenging conversations
Online | WorkshopPerhaps, as a manager or leader, you need to have a difficult workplace conversation about poor performance, mental health or even why someone isn’t getting a promotion. These conversations are always uncomfortable and throw in remote and hybrid working and it can feel even more challenging. NABS’ Explore session is here to help.