Explore: Holding Safe Spaces - NABS
Advice Line: 0800 707 6607
19th Feb

Explore: Holding Safe Spaces

  • Location: Online
  • Type: Workshop
  • Date: 19/02/2025
  • Time: 2pm-3:30pm

A coach-led discussion intended for managers at every level who are working to create safe team environments and build their empathetic leadership skills.

With the continued global volatility coupled with the continuous change within our organisations, empathy and safety for our teams are needed now more than ever.

As managers we have the responsibility to create a safe team environment, but also, importantly, need to have the skills to do so alongside taking care of ourselves.

In this session, we will:

  • check in with someone who is acclimatised to the experience of holding safe spaces and knowledge of empathic leadership and psychological safety
  • think about the practical application of psychological safety
  • consider boundary setting and knowing when it is appropriate to bring in expertise beyond our skill sets
  • reflect on active listening as a key skill (i.e. what is not being said and spotting the signs within your teams)
  • leave with a trusted coaching model, which can be applied in our day-to-day
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